Monday, December 31, 2018

An Ironic Blogger's Resolution...

I'm usually not the resolution type, particularly since when I did it most, I was really longing to be a completely different woman, but I think I'm going to do less talking in 2019.Or, at least, weigh in when it seems like it matters, instead of pretending social media is Radio Free Europe and I'm getting dispatches over the iron curtain.. It was really important to find my voice, but I waste it sometimes.(Not by the time I write about stuff here...)
UPDATE 1/2/19
Things which I plan not to weigh in on in the future:
Super-early 2020 polling
Celebrity beefing
the latest irritating/racist ad campaign for Urban Outfitters or similar

Thursday, December 27, 2018

When Memes aren't Fun...

“If money were no object where would you live?”

I’m sure the woman on twitter that posed this query was just trying to relieve the comparative slowness of Holiday Internet, as well as hearing fantasies about Vermont B&Bs and Irish pubs (both fun lives for the right person, I bet, and I wish my own escape fantasies could be that fantastic and fun) I got stuck, though.

Imagine having a choice.(Which I don’t. Not without someone’s heavy lifting, and, I don’t know, a big lottery win…the prize patrol showing up at my condo? And still I know I am closer to being free than my institutionalized peers, naturally, but I am still not free, and thinking about it bums me out.)

Same reason I don’t like those memes about “Who would you be in 1909?” Because as much as I’d like to say, you know, henna-rinsed goyischeEmma Goldman, I know the real answer is either dead, with my dead mother, or, best case, in a ward for defective young ladies.The only thing I enjoy about that game is the dark kind of street cred I get for blurting that out…less fun is realizing that my future choices don’t feel different enough.)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

10 thoughts on the Senate appointment...

10.  Augh... Martha McSally?! "Let's get this fucking thing done!" McSally?! Euw.

9. Way to reward failure and a dishonest campaign(also hating people's healthcare)

8.Not sure I belong in the same party as Grant Woods, though.(Not trying to say he is a bad person, but I'm not sure we share many priorities.  Not that I want to create some big DemExit drama, but that seems like a huge tent)

7.  It wasn't Cindy's seat to belongs to the people of Arizona.  But let's not interrupt the latest round of ring-and-butt kissing.
6.  I know that I generally hate Ducey's choices, including tie colors.(Except the ice cream place, I guess, although I do regret eating there.)

5. Does anyone sentient believe the "bipartisan cooperation" pitch?(Anyone but Sinema, who, bi or not, probably only really gets off when she hears the phrase "bipartisan consensus", so, it's been almost as long for her as it's been for me.)

4. I voted for Sinema mostly to keep McSally can I make the "Your vote is your voice!" pitch now. Maybe my voice wasn't *silenced* but I feel like it got muffled a whole hell of a lot.

3.  Sick of Koch puppets running my state. 
2.America will be better when Mitch McConnell is a private citizen.
1.Bet the first McSally scandal will arise when she tries to thumb-wrestle all the pages.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Holiday thoughts...

-kind of doing the nostalgia trip thing, watching my favorite movies and eating peppermint-stick ice cream. Trying to feel both grateful and convivial.

-This is, however, the time of year when my singleness feels the most weird and when I feel kind of bad about never having developed skills as, say, a sparkling party hostess.Even though I know there wouldn't have been many ways to develop such talents when my wheelchair gets stuck in every kitchen I've ever had, and, in fact, kitchens are the most difficult room to modify for access, it's still hard not to take that personally. Have to admit also that it frees me up sometimes, I guess, as does getting old enough to brush aside the thoughts of "Someday..." regarding the home-and-family idyll, etc.(Although it's not like I'd say no if pelted by some kind of bliss-bomb.)

-But I have to admit I don't know what I'm doing instead, since, you know, this isn't exactly "La Vie Boheme" either, but I've revised "The Wedded Twist" to my own satisfaction, and maybe will shortly find a home for it this spring(Are these two things unrelated? Probably not, Dr. Freud.)

If you are reading this, I wish you Equality, Justice, and Peace for the holidays and for 2019.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate "Attitudes Are The Real Disability"

10. I really hate when boring phrases like this catch on.Able-bodied America should strike it out of banality, if nothing else, but they love it so much they want to argue with me about retaining it.
9. Because it makes disabled people into human object lessons.

8.  That there are still people that read that and go (sniff) "Really makes you think!" instead of ignoring it like a fart.
7.It makes people ignore disabled people's real problems, because we're Special.
6. Puts a lot of pressure on disabled people to live up to brightening others' lives, which we don't need. as a kid, I actually felt guilty for not being like that, but I think now disabled kids should be taught like girls are about airbrushed photos: Nobody always looks like that.

5.  Once you are no longer a cute kid, as a disabled person you can be an inspiring motivation fairy that helps strangers you don't care about start that workout they've been lying about for five years.
4.  Duh...disability(and an inaccessible world) is the "real disability"
3.  why should non-disabled people get to use us to have feels?
2.  "No amount of smiling at a bunch of stairs ever turned it into a ramp."--Stella Young
1. Forty years later, reading it, I kind of feel like Stormy Daniels must hearing some guy say...I don't know...."Some women say I'm a lot to handle," Yeah.  Right. How nice for you. Sometimes it's just really hard to whip up that womanly receptivity that 10,000th time so I kind of unloaded on Mr. Decent But Clueless...