Saturday, December 7, 2024

Election, Funny and Serious...


If Fundraising E-mail existed in in 1912, I Might Have Gotten…

Alice Paul- Erika, don’t let the movement go hungry because I am!

Emma Goldman-Purchase the Music For Our Revolution…

John Muir-Touch Grass(But read this first!)

Helen Keller- You Don’t Need All Your Senses To Answer this One Question, Erika…

Helen Keller- Comrade, Don’t Live In The Dark Because  I Have To….

Anne Sullivan- Do I Have To Spell It Out? Even Though I Know I Can, And So Do You…

WEB DuBois- Be in the “talented tenth” that donates monthly after opening this…

Alice Paul(Don’t) Sponsor a Meal For a Favorite Suffragette

Helen Keller- Are You Still There?  Sometimes it’s hard to tell.


Impressions from a virtual Jayapal Debrief

November 13

Picked this one because PJ is so much about the positive energy.  Still think she’d make a great speaker, but increasingly feel that the system I work for is kind of in my head anyway.  She tried to bring it like I’ve seen before, but even she was a little muted last night, in a grey suit.  It felt good when she thanked people like me.  She admitted that the base of the Democrats does not get a lot of credit for what we do.  I am not sure if PJ thinks that’s what went wrong or I do.  Taking notes on Zoom is sometimes better for my focus and sometimes not.  I felt a little better after the part of this that I heard, but I have to leave six o clock things to meet my attendant, and of course, people don’t usually spend whole months wishing some old dude in a boat of a Pontiac could forget which side is the brake.  Right?  Would love to say I’m all recommitted, but that’s only partially true.  Not thinking so much about the times I didn’t bring my absolute best, though.



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