Thursday, June 13, 2024

It's Probably Weird....

 that I might not have foundKeith Robinson's comedy if he hadn't had to struggle back from two strokes, the last one more severe and during the peak of the pandemic.   Sometimes it feels like I owe so much entertainment, to say nothing of interpersonal relationships, to the fact that so much that's awful happens to us all.

 "Different Strokes" a good special, and it's good to know that "never missing a beat" is not just something they award us with to leave us out.   For my taste, the best bit was about talking with a stroke at the Popeye's chicken drive-through. Nice to see some rep from a black perspective...we don't see that enough.(Even if that is its own challenge to what passes for disability group unity.  I'm bad at that, anyway, bring it on.

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