Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Elections, Chapter two, and arguing about stuff I wish were true....

I got some hecklers, who spent last week giving me a hard time for  not loving freedom enough or something?(Yes, as a leftist, I can enjoy a good complaint, but I'd rather complain about  the reboot of "Ghostbusters" not being very good than have to admit that opportunity is not the same for everyone. That actually is a drag.)
Working on some primaries, and expanding "Wedded Twist" into a novel.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Republicans Are Ruining My Life...Again

(Not that they aren't part of why it started pre-ruined, anyway.  as we've covered, austerity sucks.)
I saw on TV that Princess Beatrice had a modest wedding.(Haven't been a royal watcher since puberty, but I remember when she was born and how all the 8s in her birthdate could have been lucky.  Thinking of her getting married makes me feel about one hundred.)

I looked at the understated pics and...well, it's not like I wanted a wedding...being this isolated and single it's important to say that because, though there are periods of great boredom in between writing probably-doomed writing projects and election stuff, I don't want you to imagine me clipping out jawlines and noses for my Romantic Vision Board. I don't do that. Yet. I am a thousand words into an expansion of "Wedded Twist" into a book, which I am trying to love, but possibly am just undertaking because there are no other journeys for me to go on for the moment. It could have some potential, though.(They used to say that about me, once, though, and look how that turned out.)

I want to get an invitation without feeling like it's a death warrant.(Of course for some people, the stakes are more dire, but this does remind me how thin the thread is that keeps my life together.) That does not feel great. Neither does the realization that, though I'm not old yet, neither am I young enough that I can believe that we can just collect "The hugs we didn't give/ the dinners we didn't gather for..." Etc, as so many ads say.
I wish I could think our side was a bunch better, but at a time when we need the Justice League, we have, I don't know, The Addams Family.

Friday, July 10, 2020

In a Perfect World, They'd Put It In A Museum...

My handset that helped me make thousands of PDA calls, calls into my LD and everything, has been replaced.(In the end, I think my lack of dial tone was a router issue,anyway-hope it holds out.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Most Recent "America Reframed" : Vision Projects...

was on PBS yesterday(Tuesday June 30) It was a film from Rodney Evans, who continues to make films despite having retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition in which his vision gradually deteriorats. He is not the only visual artist to make this surprising decision and populates the film with other artists with low vision...mostly in visual arts, but the film features a dance performance and a writing teacher too.

Some of these artists feel that they populate some kind of third space between blindness and vision, which, once they got over the initial shock and pain of sometimes-sudden vision loss, seems to provide artistic opportunity(at least an opportunity to share a point of view that is novel.)
I think those of us with mobility impairments might have a lot to...perhaps not emulate, but take a lesson from in this kind of perspective, although maybe I'd have held it longer if I'd been an established artist in a city that was hungry for art instead of one that remains skeptical of it.