Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Weirdest Book I've Loved This Year: The Pisces


New Yorker Review of "The Pisces"

Melissa Broder’s “The Pisces” is the weirdest book I loved this year.  It’s lyrical, though, funny(the tongue-in-cheek portrayals of support-group participants and what they do and don’t understand about their lives will be familiar to anyone who’s ever been in one, no matter how briefly) and honestly erotic in ways that at the same time make whatever barriers either disabled partners or those in a mixed-ability relationship look like child’s play by comparison, since Lucy and Theo can only meet on a rocky spot on the beach or on Lucy’s sister’s living room sofa after Lucy pulls him across the sand in a little red wagon.  Definitely puts complaints about narrow doorways into perspective.

I might not recommend this to someone who has a problem with graphic sex scenes, or indeed other bodily depictions of any sort, though I enjoyed them for the most part.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Sad Crosspost...

Ady Barkan has died. 

A Mixture of Relief And Loss...

 as Actual Mom and I clean out our closets and bookshelves. We'll have more space now, but there are a few things that I felt some sentimental attachment to, but that had, in fact, been shelved on in a closet for years.  Well, I'll have the memories;  I guess I don't need the actual objects.