Tuesday, April 25, 2023

It's Not Like Being A Fan of The Last Dem President...

 really benefited me, fun as it was at the time.

And I wish I could upgrade my reaction from "meh"...it's great to be psyched, if not fully "in the tank" so much that you think that their shit smells like chocolate ice cream, but I'm just not feeling this and never did.  It's like America has an unattractive boyfriend that I have to be nice to.(Yes, I'll do it, but I have a right to mock my country's taste behind her back. )And, yes, he's better than that last passel of losers.  Just wish that "she" could think more of "herself" and stop looking for a daddy. I guess "clueless, bad jokes, stuck in the past, dad" is better than the one that gets mad and locks you in a closet without dinner, but it all just makes me want to be very sarcastic about the whole "Wow, this is America... We have *choices* thing. It doesn't feel true, right now, I'm sorry to say. And I can't remember the last time I really cared about the bipartisan-unity push that seems to be the reason people like that get up in the morning, either. The right side of the aisle is a slop jar.

For the record, I don't like:

All the approved pipelines

That corpse he calls the attorney general

Louis DeJoy, Postmaster From Hell

Biden's role in keeping disability policy stuck in the 1970s

Clarence Fucking Thomas

Learn it, love it: The mike's hot.To quote the man himself, "C'mon, man!"(Don't like that either, though I'm sure it made him very hep in the lunchroom in 1962. Sigh) I'm sure if we pushed him left and glued his lips together, his approval rating would rise five...no, three points..   Five is a lot of pushing.  Part of me would like to try, though, in the metaphorical sense that involves no touching whatever.

Fun fact: The only real benefit to my work from thinking about Biden is that he stops inappropriate thoughts, like who in the Zoom I'm on might kiss the best, or something like that.(Not that, generally, I want to kiss these people in an unrequited sense...just a general feeling that a makeout session would be more pleasant than playing  defense on the safety net--or , what's left of it, yet again.) Not sure if it's the Catholic thing or if there really is a cloud of grief, but it works within two minutes.  They ought to sell his speeches as a home priapism cure. So, this is probably the last time I'm going to write about him, probably for a year.

Poncy bugger owes me a virus-free holiday, too.

No Democrat should ever preside over anyone getting dropped off Medicaid, esp.  during LongCovid

That railway strike thing from the "most union-friendly President". Really?

Friday, April 21, 2023

Not Exactly Weighing In On Feinstein...

 But didn't feminism intend to be more than the same old boys' network painted pink?! I'm kind of embarrassed about female Senators like Baldwin and Gillibrand(Whom I've never quite trusted, incidentally) sucking up extra-hard so they can get a million terms when their time comes.  It doesn't make me feel that good about #ElectWomen as a strategy to get the different world I get more and more convinced that we need.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

I don't even watch that much, anymore,

 And I'm almost sure someone has covered this territory already, but I'd almost swear there's so much true-crime on Saturday nights so that the congenitally-single, such as myself, can feel like staying at home flipping channels is virtuous and smart instead of, at best, a gentle rut.(in the American sense, not the Aussie one.)

Friday, April 14, 2023

Courting Rejection...

 Back on my submission plan from January..wishing that trying to get rejected was about, you know, Getting to Yes, but maybe it would hurt less.(maybe I will get published somewhere new, though...it could happen.)

Kind of think, though, that one my problems is that I no longer deny myself enough of the little things(despite being on Rejection 3  for 2023) that there is very much left that makes sense to obtain-as opposed to...I don't know, fancy lingerie(which would be the ultimate triumph of hope over experience.) that I want as much as I want to get published. I have clothes I don't wear, use perfume a tiny spritz at a time, and my life feels like work arrest.
What gift could I buy that person?

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I suppose we can thank Dan Kelly...

 forbeing the out-and-proud reactionary mini-Trump who focused "Judge Janet's" energies, and by extension, ours in the important watershed election in Wisconsin.  Finally, some Badgers can start clearing up the stains of the Walker years and our whole nation will be stronger for it.

Taking a crumb of credit,

 since your Bohemian Crip takes some blame for the losses(and maybe I did do a great job keeping volunteers in the game the last few weeks)really the teachers' union helped Brandon Johnson win his race.  "Let's go, Brandon!" never felt so sincere.