Friday, March 30, 2018

Why "Bohemian Crip?"

Not only because ‘like freezing my eggs, but with words,” would sound kind of gross.In its way, it’s almost true, but a turnoff, right?It is true that I’ve spent  most of my time as a writer that’s not writing waiting for someone else to put my words out there, so much so that I never made the most of my previous blogs. I won’t be foolish enough to say I’ll never do that again, especially as network executives have switched back to old TV Guides for content, instead of far-flung corners of the net, but it’s beyond time that I try to make a dent instead of bitching that nobody pays attention to me.

 I always came back to this concept, though.Part of it is simple, that nobody puts “crip” with anything but “super” so that we can write about the girl with the permanent, gleaming, inspiring smile who “never lets anything hold her back"
Don’t worry about her…we won’t be writing about her again, here) Offbeat juxtapositions are funny, but I think I wanted to create an image for myself in crip culture that is less driven for approval than that found in popular culture. Maybe we have the same drive to please, wrapped up in more artistic trappings.  I'll find out as I go, I imagine.

 In a ham-handed theft from Virginia Woolf, though, let’s imagine she has a snarky, arty, older sister that occasionally also likes to bitch about pop culture and politics. The Bohemian Crip, right? She doesn’t like to be held back either, but she is more used to it, and more likely to write a snotty rhyme with your name in it than try to win you over if you try to stop her.

So, anyway, welcome, and if this doesn't scare you off, we should have at least a short, bumpy, journey together.

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