Sunday, August 5, 2018

Stop Running Your E-Books Through Spell-Check And Calling It Good...

Maybe I'm a little more  sensitive about this as I'm hoping to write the Query Letter that Will Change My Life(TM) at a time when I have to fight a million other writers for a busy agent's time and every part of the process tends to remind me how disposable I am, but:
-a "complement" and a "compliment" are not the same, even though, if you have a spouse, she probably likes both.
"discrete" is not "discreet"
Don't even get me started on the dude with the legal thriller who depicted someone as "waiving her arms frantically"(I've heard a good  legal team *can* cost an arm and a leg, but I wasn't sure anyone meant it literally!)Yes, it's a word so the computer won't spot it, but it's the wrong word, so it makes you picture the wrong things.  Spend money for copy-edits or make your mom read it...get some human eyeballs on it.

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