Thursday, January 31, 2019

Researching a new article.., but got distracted...

trying to answer the other million little questions that come to mind in the course of day's living.Good to know that no lesser org than the BBC found that "Disabled people face barriers using common household gadgets,"although this one found another one when her Yank self couldn't watch the video.  D'oh! Still somewhat affirming though, that I'm not just writing about me.(Also, I am a pain in the butt and attempted to start a twitter dialogue with the disability beat reporter there...will let you know when and if he responds. Would we like having a for-real disability beat in this country, or would it just compound media mistakes? Can't decide for myself...what do you think?)

Man, there are a lot of sodastream flavors...who says I can't make plans for the future anymore? Curremt favorite is lime and lemon together.
Looked up Spanish-language conversation groups for my goal to get phonebank ready in 2020... there are a lot, but they are not exactly close.  which would be a pain if I could drive--pretty limiting since I can't. Found myself wondering what it would be like to hear about a new place without worrying that  I couldn't get in or out or get seated in the sunken dining room...see what inspiring stuff abled people miss? I also thought this place was more centrally located, but what I really need is something like Springfield(either soap opera or Simpsons) with a little bit of everything not far away.

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