Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What Really Matters, Tech Edition....

Almost didn't realize how much I'd written over the years(and how many fits and starts I'd had) until I changed my back-up system for files. Of course, for now, the novel stays, even though it's like the opposite of a blockbuster, and the collection I'm assembling now, just in case, but some of the other decisions are murkier. So far, my query letters haven't worked...should I keep them, hoping for some revision lightning bolt, or be hopeful that one day I won't have to bring my failings as an elevator pitchwoman along with me when the worst happens? A lot of the fanfiction is archived, but it also feels like an artifact from a much more cheerful civilization...is that an argument for rescue, or a gentle disappearance besides my quarterly Kudos? What about that one page beginning that seemed like It in 2012, but something happened and I never reclaimed that burning passion?  I've saved it a bunch of times thinking "One day..." but am I kidding myself? There is probably space for all of it, but unlike my previous system, I have to make active selections.
I'm not that used to choices anymore. Which may be why I'm not a better writer by this point, really.

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