Wednesday, June 19, 2019

When a Touche is Not A Touche...

Even in the midst of catching up with "Married With Children", (would call it a rewatch, except that I don't really care about canon), I am aware that some of these online confrontations are my "A fat woman came into the shoe store," but I need to tell you this one.
 Somebody made a point about antisemitism with me yesterday, which, although not one of those things that looks different from the inside, I think. Being a Gentile who jokes about hating herself and would follow a whole subculture around all "Like your work!" if that were  in any way not a wacky thing to do (it is...I'm kidding...please don't really do that!),is not being at risk for a synagogue shooter.
.  Even when the people running Israel piss me off a lot, which they do.
But then, this guy thinks he has a clincher with "If they stopped making places accessible, I don't have a disability, but I'd be offended." There is a joke in there somewhere, but basically, I said "get ready to be offended."

But it's not his fault that he doesn't know.  Lack of access is totally covered up with videos like "Wal-Mart Employee Gives Manicure, Makes Day", or "Shop Class Makes Wheelchair" and people go aw...and that's it  for most Americans, until they get hurt or their kid has a disability(and some people never do fully see past their own experience anyway,)

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