Saturday, January 11, 2020

Unexpected Movie Changed by The Activist Life...

Got HBO suite back when attempting to get a break on our cable bill so I found myself rewatching "Mr. Holland's Opus" after many years. No, I don't have many thoughts about the handling of deafness in the movie, although I believe that some of the Coles are Deaf actors. The part that is different for me since I am no longer a labile college student is  near the end. 

If you'll recall, Mr. Holland's high school faces budget cuts severe enough to cut all the arts programs and precipitate the grizzled music teacher's retirement...he grouses a bit, but his heart is eased by the assembly full of students that are his, you know, human symphony and all, which is sincerely moving, if not as much of a tweak on my personal heartstrings as that "Beautiful Boy" moment(Much less wrenching now that I've reduced my expectations regarding my father issues, but I still welled up.  Still, I am optimistic that mental health is not far behind.)

Here's the part that bugs Activist Bohemian Crip about the "Human Symphony" moment...Mr. Holland taught the current governor of his state back in 1965 when she was just a shy clarinet player.  One would think that might be worth a phone call or two, even if he didn't want to hold on to his music-teaching job as if it were a Senate seat.

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