Monday, August 19, 2024

A Poem, Since I haven't Posted In A While


Adaptive Nighttime Ruminations

After a long day of disabled life,

There should be greater solace

Than looking at the ceiling

And reminding myself that Taylor Swift

Gets morning breath and pit stains.

Mine has been an unfinished miracle.

I’d like to be born again,

Maybe live as a gal who could win.

Instead of half-finished and waiting

For a chance that wasn’t  fresh when I

Might have gotten it, and now might just

Crumble like a dead leaf

In my barely-used ornamental hands.

I’ve had time for my friends to get divorced,

For not getting married “until *everybody* can!1” to

Go from a dare to a decision to one of the thousands of rights that

My email fears could disappear every morning.

With my own  status as Rookie of Some Other Year

(past or future…does it matter? Pretty soon looking forward will hurt like looking back)

Largely unchanged

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