Tuesday, December 18, 2018

10 thoughts on the Senate appointment...

10.  Augh... Martha McSally?! "Let's get this fucking thing done!" McSally?! Euw.

9. Way to reward failure and a dishonest campaign(also hating people's healthcare)

8.Not sure I belong in the same party as Grant Woods, though.(Not trying to say he is a bad person, but I'm not sure we share many priorities.  Not that I want to create some big DemExit drama, but that seems like a huge tent)

7.  It wasn't Cindy's seat to give...it belongs to the people of Arizona.  But let's not interrupt the latest round of ring-and-butt kissing.
6.  I know that I generally hate Ducey's choices, including tie colors.(Except the ice cream place, I guess, although I do regret eating there.)

5. Does anyone sentient believe the "bipartisan cooperation" pitch?(Anyone but Sinema, who, bi or not, probably only really gets off when she hears the phrase "bipartisan consensus", so, it's been almost as long for her as it's been for me.)

4. I voted for Sinema mostly to keep McSally out...how can I make the "Your vote is your voice!" pitch now. Maybe my voice wasn't *silenced* but I feel like it got muffled a whole hell of a lot.

3.  Sick of Koch puppets running my state. 
2.America will be better when Mitch McConnell is a private citizen.
1.Bet the first McSally scandal will arise when she tries to thumb-wrestle all the pages.

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