Thursday, April 30, 2020

The CARES Act And another Thing That Shouldn't Be As It Is...

I got money this week.
I didn't have to prove I was desperate, my failure to do a handstand(Which remains lifelong and total, btw) or my ability to handle talking to a social worker who usually needs as much hand-holding as I do.   It was a real bright spot in the midst of everything being kind of awful(and not just because, if I preorder something, the charges come out at the *worst* possible instant, although this is also usually true,if not at the "truth universally acknowledged" stage.)

I will stipulate that in many metropolises, even getting the full amount is not sufficient, as people like AOC and Robert Reich have done better than I can.(It probably wouldn't be for me either if I was on my own for this.)
We could do better supporting people who stay at home.
Work at home needs to be a thing after's felt nice feeling like a citizen.
ETA: I also wish that more of our benefit-providing energy as a society was less focused on "Catching Scammers" and arcane math that is probably more  complicated than I am making it sound, but seems to boil down to "How little can we  give you and hope you stay alive?"(Which can be difficult enough sometimes without a large swath of the general public believing that "Just go on disability!" is in any way as simple as that sounds or a good way to get a Brinks truck to pull up to your house.
SO many thanks to the advocates that helped me not have to file a Very Special Tax Return in the middle of all this...I have dyscalculia, and despite being peripheral to the actual crisis, still feel a bit like an emotional cavalcade sometimes...not sure I could handle that too/

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