Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sometimes It Feels Like I Grieve All The Time....

even my working through my disability stuff feels like this, too, really.(I'm so good at survivor's guilt that I have it already, not even being sure if I'm really a survivor or not. Part of it is habit/)
I also grieve that we have a leader who quotes death toll numbers as if he is talking about seating capacity in an arena or some shit, and my state has a weak-willed governor that's like "The olds and Indians, eh? Open for business."
I also grieve that I can't just look toward the next administration that might be coming and sigh with relief that now the adults will show up and now  can settle back.(Not that Tanahesi Coates would read this but if he did, he would see in that yearning traces of the Dream that gets broadcast on television all the time, and that even we white people don't really live, either, but that we got closer to, probably, than someone in W.  Baltimore.)
there is a book I got to review, but the ending was so happy that it made me sad because a happy ending looks like a vanishingly small prospect for me.

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