Wednesday, October 10, 2018

In Which I Make A Successful Pitch...

and will be attempting to write a blog post about Vote By Mail, specifically my state's PEVL, which I love, for @RootedInRights call for posts about disability and will be due close to the end of the month, and I almost talked myself out of trying something for possibly the millionth time. I decided to follow the Olbermann-Starbucks Cup advice and not do the naysayers' job for them, which worked at least partially as advertised.

Can't really call this a revolution in thinking, exactly, though because one thing I've learned from freelance writing is that people tell you "No," a hell of a lot, and that there doesn't seem to be much rhyme and reason for why. but for today, it's Talent 1 Low Self Esteem Demons 0.

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