Friday, August 30, 2019


As an American.
I’ve had enough,
Of an admin of assholes, thinking they’re tough.
When all they are is mean and stupid
Deservedly ignored by cupid.
A  Miller’s tale of immigrant plunder
Lies and bullshit, pulling families asunder.
And now, for their latest trick,
They do not care if kids are sick.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Poem to #CloseTheCamps...

“It’s terrible here…we all want to leave.” Is something a teen might say…
About a fire drill,
Or plain old school detention,
Taco surprise day in the cafeteria,
Or meeting his father’s embarrassing girlfriend.
Not for standing-room only
Jail for children, with not enough  food, or room to lie down.
Some of these things are
Rites of passage,
But  jail for brown children should never be
(foreign or domestic)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Optimism is One Thing...

grown and tended on inhospitable soil though mine is, I think once I admit to a disability online, I'm not only expected to have positive energy, but the juvenile faith of the bad News Bears or a ten-year-old trying to get another season's starry-eyed magic out of Santa Claus. Would people expect someone not disabled and over forty(although not being precious enough, has, in fact, been a life-long liability...maybe that, more than my ideological pivot, explains my fighting for Bernie Sanders as much as anything...he's not adorable, either.  Although like Bobby Hill before me, I'm also drawn to things that are "so Arizona"...if you like that  comparison, you can thank  my friend Leonard Pierce for it.) to think that the reason life didn't work out as advertised is that she just didn't*believe* hard enough. How long is long enough to clutch your little resume, now stained in some people's view by political action work, in your sweaty palm and believe" this is the one...those other hundred were just practice leading me here!"(Notice that Marianne Williamson could not manifest a trip to the third debate stage...Nelson Muntz laugh)

Monday, August 26, 2019

I hate online arguments that...

could be boiled down to some tedious exchange of talking points,or, from my end, the lyrics to "little Boxes". I've got no interest in, like, living out of a garbage bag, even though I do think someone is kidding themselves slightly if they don't see a racket in working hard to keep the stuff they don't have time to use cause they're at their fourteenth job. Also, I sometimes wish people would read my bio before engaging as "Don't you want to control your life?" lacks resonance as a talking point when the way you thought it would happen was from publishing stardom, or because when you were ten you thought you'd master Jedi mindtricks by this age.Like that guy built his house and trapped his own venison...he probably bought hot dogs this week like we did and probably bitched if his coupon was expired. No, I don't "control my fate," but at least I can acknowledge that, unlike the people forced to argue against vacation time (Two weeks was more than the Pilgrims got, and it's invigorating that nobody can take it cause they're understaffed, so worried about keeping a precarious position, etc, etc) and paying less for health insurance. I wish I'd never met this guy, but I didn't want to leave someone calling Warren a "left-wing bozo" unchallenged. Still feel slightly too young for "What has HAPPENED to this country, but we *are* descended from revolutionaries and rabble-rousers of all descriptions...when did we trade that all in for cable?
Please watch this blog in the coming weeks to learn how you can help me raise money for the Amazon rainforest...I want this to be the biggest birthday fundraiser I ever had!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Ken Cucinelli Was Once Someone's Child...

and couldn't "stand on his own feet" at all. Somebody cleaned up when he spilled his juice(or failed to...some of that anti-choice craziness back in VA seems to suggest mother issues.) Someone once helped him tie his shoes. Someone taught him the phrase "stand on his own two feet" and someone worse taught him to use it as a weapon against the less-fortunate. As Elizabeth Warren once said "He didn't get here on his own."(Nobody does)

Early on in my disability radicalization, I thought it was a shame that most people forgot how much help they needed as small children, being as how it made the continued existence of  such needs in disabled people to be an unfathomable assault on human dignity, etc. What began as a moment of...whimsy has become a lot more as I've watched our government lose empathy and mistake an overall hardness for strength.
Immigrants founded this country and immigrants keep building it every day.

Monday, August 5, 2019

cleaning out my closet...

Don't really have a shopping problem, but almost understand shopoholics(even ones who aren't as cute as Becky Bloomwood.) Sometimes the easiest way to visualizegetting what I want is to pick an object and ship it here. I've done that too much, recently, but I'm covered unless I go to a fundraising banquet or something super dressy. It would be something if the pink shirt with the flowers I wore in the healthcare video inspires a new passion for healthcare in the next woman that wears it.
Like Traveling Pants, but activist. I can hope.
Don't really understand these men going around telling women how to live online lately. Don't want to, either, they're dicks, of course, what's it to him if we breed? More seriously, aside from certain topics, such as "Why The Wire Rules" and "Why Austerity Sucks", most of the time, instead of a fully=assembled life, I feel like I bought some kit from IKEA and read the instructions wrong.  Over time, I've built something, I guess, but it doesn't look like the picture, and I'm mostly not satisfied with it. so, no, don't have any thoughts about "keeping a woman"