Monday, August 26, 2019

I hate online arguments that...

could be boiled down to some tedious exchange of talking points,or, from my end, the lyrics to "little Boxes". I've got no interest in, like, living out of a garbage bag, even though I do think someone is kidding themselves slightly if they don't see a racket in working hard to keep the stuff they don't have time to use cause they're at their fourteenth job. Also, I sometimes wish people would read my bio before engaging as "Don't you want to control your life?" lacks resonance as a talking point when the way you thought it would happen was from publishing stardom, or because when you were ten you thought you'd master Jedi mindtricks by this age.Like that guy built his house and trapped his own venison...he probably bought hot dogs this week like we did and probably bitched if his coupon was expired. No, I don't "control my fate," but at least I can acknowledge that, unlike the people forced to argue against vacation time (Two weeks was more than the Pilgrims got, and it's invigorating that nobody can take it cause they're understaffed, so worried about keeping a precarious position, etc, etc) and paying less for health insurance. I wish I'd never met this guy, but I didn't want to leave someone calling Warren a "left-wing bozo" unchallenged. Still feel slightly too young for "What has HAPPENED to this country, but we *are* descended from revolutionaries and rabble-rousers of all descriptions...when did we trade that all in for cable?
Please watch this blog in the coming weeks to learn how you can help me raise money for the Amazon rainforest...I want this to be the biggest birthday fundraiser I ever had!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think these guys would lose their minds if they ever had to face that their playset's just a little bigger than mine.
