Sunday, February 9, 2020

A fictional "out-take" from a writing prompt book...

Not sure if I'll ever use this, cause I'm not sure how long I'm  going to follow these people. The prompt was "What would you put in storage?"

Spring 2005
 In those days, Chitra saved everything.  Not like the hoarders of later television infamy, but she did enjoy being surrounded by books, family photos, and the occasional bedraggled member of her stuffed animal menagerie.  Add to this, though, indulgent parents who saw the possibility of genius in every science project, and Chitra was leaving her twenties and coming into a new relationship with plenty of evidence of former lives in boxes and bags all around her.She is forcing herself to be ruthless… Gerry’s place is bigger, sort of a gift to himself for his recent city council win, but it’s still not big enough for all of her leftover lives. She tosses t-shirts from high school and half-finished art, but she has not rid herself of her mental baggage,including disappointment that her candidate in the council race lost, and a melting but persistent certainty that she couldn’t imagine herself with the name “Chitra Poindexter”. She opened a box of paperbacks, not so much just books for her teenaged self as dreams in paper covers. She rifled some pages, and as they fluttered against her hand, she marveled at the time she used to have to imagine things.Time, to read and daydream, like sleep, full meals, and volunteers, is one of the things political people learn to live without. It was hard not to burrow into some of her old favorites all the same, but she just read the back covers and put them in the Donate bag.

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