Monday, February 24, 2020

Bohemian Crip Learns Eco-socialism...

 Last night, I joined approximately 100 activists from DSA chapters around the country to learn about promoting the #GreenNewDeal.(I used both green and red pens to take notes...very festive.) The socialist pitch for the #GND isn't all that different than that which I've heard before, except slightly more focused on corporate exploitation(Which makes sense, I suppose) As I write this, Bernie Sanders is having a Moment, which eco-socialists hope to use to bring, especially his young supporters, into the fold for more climate work.

I learned the expression "energy democracy" which I thought would refer to making utilities publicly owned(and might, eventually, in some places) but refers more broadly to the idea that everyone, whether or not they are homeowners that can put solar panels on their houses, has some stake in our energy future. Going forward, the goal is community based activism, even in poorer communities.

Funny moment when I heard climate book "A Planet To Win" as "A Plan to Win" and ended up sorting through what seemed like a million business books and motivational books by coaches, etc...trying to find the right one again.(Will be reading shortly and will let you know what I think.)

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