Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fortitude over Fatalism...

 is an affirmation read in Rep.  Ayanna Pressley's clear contralto on a day in which even the most optimistic activist's heart might be heavy.  Not only are we dealing with a Ginsburg-less world(and the potential to distort the mission of the Court she loved, the lack of murder charges for the cops who shot Breonna Taylor can make us wonder if we will have a system worth saving.

Still, Ady Barkan, says that we can only win through fighting.  "We don't get anything by asking politely."

In the short term, our odds don't look good. Republicans hold a(predominantly shameless) majority in the Senate and a cultish base sometimes willing to follow Trump off a cliff to their own detriment. Senator  Elizabeth Warren points out on the latest "Be A Hero," call that that was also true during the healthcare fights as well, yet "grassroots energy" particularly among the vulnerable, knocked repeal efforts flat. Senator Warren said she would do whatever she could from the inside to slow the latest "power grab" for a "stolen" nomination, but she wants outside energy to match.

Even fights with disappointing outcomes(such as Kavanagh) did change some political landscapes, such as the Senate race in ME, where energy around the Future Fund ensured Collins faces real jeopardy instead of coasting on her moderate, feminist rep.
Upcoming Future Funds could focus on Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson, and Marco Rubio, among others.

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