Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Best Parts Of Mary Trump's Book....

 have absolutely been covered(maybe over-covered) by the media, especially for MSNBC viewers. Not that I'm absolutely warning you away...Ms. Trump has a decent style and stuff, and she is scrupulous about not opining much about things she hasn't witnessed.  Still, almost 47 seems old to give in to electronic peer pressure, so it feels a bit like I found Hammer pants in my literary closet except the digital era makes "what was I thinking?!" that much faster.

Maybe there are disturbing threads in many German-American families(blame Kaiser Bill) that encouraged parents of earlier eras to keep siblings from trusting each other or actively at each others' throats...I've heard stories like that in my extended family, too, but when you're working/middle class, people don't care that much.

Also, being a black sheep within my extended family is not exactly a groundbreaking discovery for me, either(maybe they are sheep and I am, like, an ocelot) Mary got more out of it than I ever had.

Basically, save your money, or give it to a downballot candidate.


  1. I guess that explains Aldi Nord/Aldi Süd and Adidas/Puma, both competing German companies started by siblings.

    1. Possibly. Alice Miller has done a lot of writing about certain tendencies in German culture(as well as how they influenced the United States. a lot of what ms. trump describes reminds me of those books.
