Thursday, April 8, 2021

Disturbing Thoughts that Don't Need Their Own Posts...

 -Still kind of troubled that Piers Morgan has no problem admitting that a craving for attention was the thing that animates his whole life and career(Aware of course, that I never post anything initially thinking "gee, hope they pass this up," although sometimes I catch a mistake or something and don't feel too badly that that one is mostly ignored.) but as a rookie journalist, I heard a lot about what drives people into the fold and, usually it's not that they only feel alive when the red light's on, right? Usually, i've heard more about curiosity, being the kid with all the questions...which makes for some hokey presentations, but at least there is a kernel of something I can recognize. Some of us are writers and really thought we could develop our crafts and get paid something...sadly, this was me trying to make a practical choice, believe it or not.Some people are just balls-out fascinated by something so that they're born with a beat, whether it was workers or Latin America(I'm a little bit like this, too)

None of those responses make me picture them doing their job in a crab costume or something. Piers does.

Who the fuck does Mitch McConnell think he is? I warn you, but gives us money? Don't like most CEOs either, but I hope they tell him to get stuffed.

I also think, in the conversation that attracted Morgan's attention, I made myself too small. (although my point was that people with successful ventures probably shouldn't worry about their social-networking presences so much,)

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