Thursday, April 15, 2021

Got through the Pro-Act training....

 without struggling with any tech or hitting any inconvenient crypoints.

(They didn't play any labor songs last night...something about that music presses a big button when your life has been structured around the idea that the accident of your birth is a personal tragedy for  your family, despite something like it happening hundreds of thousands of times a year..) The idea of people getting stronger by teaming up in their own interest is something of revelation, like everything else the Man tries to hide in high school.

Frank Sobatka from "The Wire" made me cry like that sometimes, outside of Chris Bauer being an excellent actor. I do think it's related to some buried, almost ancestral memory.
I thought that sort of thing is what the  collective unconscious is but I think it goes back even further than that, to why ancient people hated spiders or why kids are afraid of the dark.

I do think it's kind of was a little embarrassing that strangers saw me do that, as well as struggling with the dialler, but it came from a good place, not throwing a fit or anything.

Anyway, call your Congresspeople and tell them to end the fillibuster and pass the PRO Act.

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