Monday, April 26, 2021

My Younger Self Didn't Give...

Passion Fish  enough of a chance, even if it does have that repetitive "God, I can't feel my legs !1" opening so acutely beloved by Academy voters and industry types(Perhaps Crip Camp could have notched that win if someone in it "woke up disabled" as they had done every day for fifty years.  Right?) And once, again, Ms. O'Donnell is not in a chair, but I think nineteen-year-old me was too hard on her for not being a credit to the minority that she doesn't belong to....can't believe I was ever so ladylike to get so bothered by an injured character's f-bombs, but growing up took me a long time, what can I say? However, a director like John Sayles, who seems to have a leisurely approach to film-making might have been a pioneer if he'd included an actual paraplegic or two somewhere in the film.(Maybe it just *looks* like it spun out like a tall tale, however, still think it would be great for diversity if people looked into how often it's 100% necessary to put in a 16-hour day on a set versus how much the people that do feel like warriors afterward. Just a thought.)

I liked the Louisiana locale much more this time than on my original viewing.(Made for some great, zydeco soundtrack offerings as well.) Initially, I think I had a book-club-questions-at-end-of-the-paperback take on the whole representation question and literally expected to see my own life on screen in a way that would defy logic. The movie kicks into gear once Alfre Woodard, as the attendant with  her own problems(relatable in my experience) shows up. *SO* hoped that  the O'Donnell character eventually finds a new erogenous zone with the Strathairn character, but either way, this movie has a nice sense of future and possibility, given that it's also about a soap actress turning her back on old pursuits.

Usual quibbles apply, in terms of money(it would be *ungodly* expensive to buy "all the stuff in the gimp catalog" for real.) and how much access you could get in a  Louisiana farmhouse. Like May-Alice goes from marooned on one couch in a corner to cooking in the kitchen.  Really? Straitharn has a magic toolbox.

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