Saturday, February 27, 2021

I'll try to think of it as good copy...

 because that's what I learned to do instead of tearing up so much(and it's easy to imagine a dentist-chair morning-show segment, if not the universe that would watch me on it) but I think I am facing down a week of suck that could challenge the reporter's detachment of a better scribe than I.

My online community sustained a loss as well this week. We knew, but it's always sudden. Not going to go into some defensive thing about the reality of those friendships this late in the game--if you're here, I think you get that part, but ours is a big community so remembering people makes me think of what it must be like to be in a big family.  You laugh and share, but even Mom calls out the wrong name sometimes. I'm sure we shared some laughs about favorite episodes, co-workers' grammar mistakes, and about a million other inside things that are funny inside a crowd, but hard to explain outside.We may have seen each other in real life once or twice, but geography and timing kept the bond from growing into a Ya-Ya was always fun when we talked, though. I wish we could have spent more time together, and that she got that advanced degree she was working on.

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